Implementation and Assistance of Halal Certificates in the Acceleration and Development of Halal Tourism Products in Indonesia and Bahrain
1Siti Aisyah, 2Safri Haliding, 3Alamsjah, 4Agustan Syamsuddin, 5Edi Jusriadi, 6Samsul Rizal
1,2,3,4,5,6Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar Indonesia.
Halal standard products should be an integral and inseparable part of global trade and economic practices which require international standards and standard quality to gain the trust of consumers across countries. The state is present to protect its citizens in fulfilling their citizens' fundamental rights. In line with this, business actors (producers) should also provide protection to consumers. For this purpose, a more active role is required for the state in regulating the economic system, which is described in the strategy carried out by the state in carrying out business instruments, including through regulations. Halal certification-labeling not only aims to provide inner peace to Muslims but also production peace for business actors. Especially in the context of economic globalization and global markets, halal food certification and labeling is increasingly necessary. The problem formulation in this research is as follows: 1. How to implement and assist Halal certification in accelerating Halal Tourism products in Indonesia and Bahrain.2. How to implement and assist Halal Certificates in the Development of Halal Tourism Products for Indonesia and Bahrain. he objectives of this research are as follows: 1. To measure the extent of the implementation and assistance of Halal certification in accelerating Halal Tourism products in Indonesia and Bahrain. 2. To find out how to implement and support Halal Certificates in the development of Halal Tourism Products for Indonesia and Bahrain. The method stages in this research are as follows: 1. Conduct socialization about Halal Certification to MSMEs, through FGD, 2. Directing the procedures for implementing and assisting Halal Certificates in accelerating Halal Tourism products, through Technical Guidance, Workshops, FGDs and Umkm Collaboration.
[Application; accompaniment; halal_certification; tour]
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