Model Product Innovation and E-Commerce Portal in Management of Batik Craftsman MSMEs Based Industrial Sustainability
1Muazza, 2Mayasari, 3Siti Syuhada
1,2,3Department of Economics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Jambi of University, Jambi, 36361, Indonesia
The development of the digitalization era requires batik craftsmen MSMEs Seberang Jambi City to innovate through the local industrial sector and prepare themselves to compete globally by increasing production productivity so that the products produced have commercial selling value and can maintain their sustainable existence This phenomenon provides an opportunity to revitalize the batik industry sub-sector Seberang Jambi City so that it can accelerate achievements in maintaining the sustainable existence of batik MSMEs. One of them is by innovating products and E-Commerce portal models in managing MSMEs batik craftsmen based on industrial sustainability Seberang Jambi City. This research is included in the type of development research to create an innovation model for batik products into home decor using the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) model. This research will be carried out in Seberang Jambi City which consists of two sub-districts, namely Olak Kemang sub-district and Pelayangan sub-district, which are potential areas for MSMEs for Jambi Batik craftsmen originating from this area. The data analysis technique in this research uses descriptive qualitative. The research results show that the innovation of batik products into batik home decor products such as sofa cushions, wall decorations and others is considered worthy of development as a means of sustainability for the activities of the MSME Batik industry Seberang Jambi City. The E-commerce portal developed under the name "Lapak Batik" is considered suitable as a development for online marketers to make it easier for batik craftsmen in Batik MSMEs across Jambi City to market their products and develop the products they innovate. Evaluation of the product development of innovative batik products into batik home decor and the e-commerce portal "Lapak Batik" was declared feasible to be implemented in assisting batik MSME business activities Seberang Jambi City.
Product Inovation , Portal E-Commerce, Industrial Suistanability Batik MSMEs
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