Competitiveness and Export Position of Indonesian Whole Nuts Seeds in the International Market for the Period 2011-2022
1Nurul Dwi Isrofin, 2Sri Tjondro Winarno, 3Noor Rizkiyah
1,2,3Agribusiness Masters Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture UPN Veteran Jawa Timur
Indonesia is the largest nutmeg exporter in the world. Indonesian nutmeg tends to experience an increase in export volume every year. However, the development of nutmeg exports is still experiencing fluctuations during the 2011–2022 period. This research aims to analyse the export competitiveness of Indonesian whole nutmeg seeds in the international market and the competitive position of whole nutmeg seeds in export destination countries in the period 2011–2022. This research uses secondary data, namely in the form of time series data for 12 years, namely the years 2011–2022. The data were analysed using revealed comparative advantage (RCA) and dynamic revealed comparative advantage (DRCA) analyses. Research results using Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) show that Indonesian whole nutmeg seeds are competitive in the international market. Indonesian nutmeg in ten export destination countries is also competitive, with the highest competitiveness of whole nutmeg in Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands. Based on the Dynamic Revealed Comparative Advantage (DRCA) analysis, the results show that product competitiveness growth is always positive in Japan, leading to Japan's competitive position becoming a rising star in the fourth period (2020–2022).
Nutmeg, Competitiveness, Position, DRCA, RCA
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