Assessing 5P as a Proper Conceptual Framework for Sustainability Reporting: Case Study from Indonesia’s Energy Sector
1Wisnumurti, 2Temy Setiawan
1,2Universitas Bunda Mulia,, Jl. Lodan Raya No.2, North Jakarta, DKI Jakarta 14430
The launching of UN SDGs and 2030 resolution has sparked a new concept and perspective regarding the problem that we faced right now. The framework explicitly mention 5P as the main pillars of SDG while having the same characteristics as triple bottom line, with addition of peace and partnership aspects. This research uses purposive sampling to gain a proper sample from Indonesia's energy sector from 2020-2022. Data extracted from company's sustainability report using content analysis approach with several criteria. The number then fitted into a model with PLS-SEM and analysed using path coefficient and significance of p value. Some company disclosed more sustainability information through their sustainability report compared to the other. Planet aspect are having a positive and significant correlation, with People and Prosperity having a positive but not significant correlation and Peace and Partnership are having a negative and insignificant correlation. This study needs to be confirmed or re-evaluate by other researcher to further justify the proposition of the new concept, namely 5P.
SDG, People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, Partnership, ROA
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