The Effect of Profitability, Liquidity and Leverage Ratios on Internet Financial Reporting and Company Size as Moderating Variables During The Covid 19 Pandemic (An Empirical Study on the BEI Various Industries Sub-Sector)
1Diah Iskandar, 2Mulia Alim
1,2University Mercu Buana
2Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Ahmad Dahlan
Internet media has become a tool that provides a means for open company financial reporting as information for external parties because openness can reduce the level of information asymmetry that can occur in financial reports, so that it can accelerate company growth. The nature and characteristics of the internet which is easy to spread (pervasiveness), knows no borders (borderlessness), is timely (real time), low cost (low cost), makes disclosing information via the company website easier in finding all the necessary information related to the company, without having to incur high costs, Abdillah (2015). The development of the internet has created a new way of conveying company financial report information, namely using the Internet Financial Repoting (IFR) system, Yuli Kurniawati (2018). Every company has had many improvements in terms of company profits. Profitability is an indicator measuring management performance in managing company assets which can be shown by increasing profits that can be generated by the company. By indicating that the greater the company's profitability value, the company has good performance management. The liquidity ratio is an indicator of the level of a company's ability to pay short-term obligations. If the company is illiquid, there is a tendency for the company to experience bankruptcy. The ratio is prorated using the Current Ratio, which is about the comparison between current assets and current liabilities. The leverage ratio is a ratio that is an indicator of a company's capital structure. A high level of leverage can encourage management to carry out Internet Financial Reporting to take advantage of opportunities for good information from the company. Company size is a description of how big or small a company is, which can be measured by the size of the asset value, total sales, or the market value of the company's equity. Profitability and leverage influence the Internet Financial Report, while liquidity has no influence on the Internet Financial Report. Size can strengthen the influence of leverage on the Internet Financial Report, while size cannot strengthen the influence of profitability and liquidity on the Internet Financial Report
Financial Technology System (Fintech), Online-Based Payment System, Knowledge, Security, Convenience, Trust
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