The Influence of Social Media Marketing and Corporate Image on Customer Loyalty is Mediated by Customer Satisfaction (Study of 5 Star Hotel Customers in Malang City)
1Adelina Mustika Ningrum, 2Rofiaty, 3Wahdiyat Moko
1,2,3University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
This research aims to test and analyze the influence of social media marketing on customer loyalty, test and analyze the influence of corporate image on customer loyalty, test and analyze the influence of social media marketing on customer satisfaction, test and analyze the influence of corporate image on customer satisfaction, test and analyze the influence customer satisfaction on customer loyalty, testing and analyzing customer satisfaction mediates the influence of social media marketing on customer loyalty, and testing and analyzing customer satisfaction mediates the influence of corporate image on customer loyalty. The sample in this study was 150 respondents. The data analysis technique uses SEM-PLS. The analysis results show that social media marketing has an effect on customer loyalty. Corporate image influences customer loyalty. Social media marketing influences customer satisfaction. Corporate image influences customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction influences customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction mediates the influence of social media marketing on customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction mediates the influence of corporate image on customer satisfaction.
Social Media Marketing, Corporate Image, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty
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