The Three-Lens Approach to Agility: Capturing Distinct Strategic
Views on the Organization for Comprehensive Examination of
Firm Agility
1Siti Yasmina Zubaedah, 2Avanti Fontana
1,2Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West Java, Indonesia
Observing strategic agility as a performance outcome require properly observing the firm over a period of time. This study was conducted to explore and enhance an agility framework for analysing how companies perform as they evolve over time. The theoretical framework developed in this multiple case study emerged based on a combination of an extensive literature review and observed strategic management issues that arise during direct observations. The three-lens approach consists of the Business Model Effectiveness Lens, Productive Information Systems Lens and the Independent – Dynamic Culture Lens. Business Model Effectiveness demonstrates ability in managing the changes in the business model throughout adaptation cycles and is reflected in firm performance. A productive information system is the fundamental support essential for timely, swift and accurate decisions, and, in turn, knowledge cultivation. Culture of an agile company develops in concurrence with firm dynamics throughout adaptation cycles and independent of original founder imprint. Analysis using the three-lens agility framework showed that companies under study did not represent agile companies. All three companies are found to not have business model effectiveness, the information systems were unproductive and the organizations’ culture were not independent of the founders and tend to be outdated. Analysis using the three-lens agility framework allows for observing the birth and development of a firm. While each lens offers a distinct approach to analyse agility, together the lenses make up an integrated framework that provides insights on firm evolution and development.
Agility, Adaptation, Business Model, Information Systems, Organization Culture
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