The Effect of Training Methods on the Performance of Gen Z
Employees in Jakarta
1Husnul Hasanah, 2Eva Hotnaidah Saragih
1,2Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta
From 2030 to 2040, Indonesia is expected to benefit from demographic bonuses through a labor market where the majority of the population is of productive age (15-64 years). Generation Z, which covers around 27.94% of Indonesia's population or around 74.93 million individuals, dominates the results of the 2020 Population Census. In 2023, Generation Z is expected to be between 11 and 26 years old. Especially in DKI Jakarta which provides 18% of national income in 2019, research on training methods for Generation Z is important to prepare them as competent employees in the future. The research involved 255 samples of Generation Z who had worked in DKI Jakarta, using a quantitative approach and hypothesis testing. The research findings indicate that training using the In-Class, Role Model, and Assignment/Experimental methods has a positive impact on the performance of Generation Z. Generation Z's preference for training methods is Assignment/Experimental Training, followed by Role Model Training, and InClass Training. In conclusion, Generation Z is more likely to prefer training that involves active participation in work rather than a passive approach.
HR Management, Training Methods, Employee Performance, Gen Z
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