Aspects of Life Insurance Agents' Performance in Vietnam: A
Study from the Impact of Customer-Oriented Behavior
1Thuy Dung Do, 2Thi Huong Mai, 3Xuan Huong Nguyen, 4Van Ban Mai
1,2,3University of Labor and Social Affairs, Hanoi, Vietnam
4Hanoi University of Business and Technology, Vietnam
This study examined the influence of life insurance agents' customer-oriented action research on aspects of agents' personal sales performance. In particular, the agent's performance is considered in terms of behavioral effectiveness and outcome performance. The research was conducted through interviews and surveys of insurance agents of life insurance businesses in Hanoi city, with 158 feedback forms received. Data collection is group processed through supporting software support SPSS and PLS-SEM. The study results show that customer-oriented behavior substantially impacts life insurance agents' behavioral performance more than outcome performance. At the same time, behavioral performance also plays a mediating role in providing the performance of customer-oriented behavior to the performance outcomes of life insurance agents. The research results are the basis for the authors to propose some key tips for life insurance businesses in the current context of Vietnam's insurance market.
life insurance agents, performance, customer-oriented behavior, Vietnam.
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