Systematic Literature Review: Antecedents that Influence an
Employee's Pro-Environmental Behavior in the Workplace
1Sandi Bunga, 2Achmad Husen, 3Oot Hotimah
1,2,3Program Magister Manajemen Lingkungan Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
This study aims to discuss the premise and consequences of environmental protection behavior in the service industry from 2003 to 2023. The main factors affecting environmental protection behavior include factors. external and internal factors of the individual. In particular, this study looks at demographic and psychological factors on the inner side of the individual. The main objective of this study was to review the literature (published research) on the impact, relationship and interplay on pro-environmental behavior of each factor variable. The identification of pro-environment determinants is useful for developing the most appropriate and effective policies to improve people's behavior in protecting the natural environment.
Pro-Environmental Behaviour, Antecedence, External Factor, Internal Factor.
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