Influence of E-Trust, E-Service Quality and Word of Mouthon
Online Shopping Interest of Students in Denpasar
1Ni Nyoman Rusmiati, 2Anak Agung Sri Purnamai, 3Princess Prana Ningrat
1,2,3Faculty of Economics and Business, Warmadewa University
With the rapid development of technology, it will certainly always be accompanied by changes in society in various aspects of daily life, which will have quite a big impact and create new views, one of which is in the business sector. This research aims to determine the influence of e-trust, e-service quality and word of mouth partially and simultaneously on shopping interest. The location of this research is within Warmadewa University, Denpasar. The population used management students from the Class of 2020 and a sample of 83 respondents. Data analysis techniques use Validity Test, Reliability Test, Classical Assumption Test, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, F Test and t Test. From the research results, it was found that: (1) simultaneously e-trust, e-service quality and word of mouth have a positive and significant effect on shopping interest. (2) etrust has a positive and significant effect on shopping interest. (3) e-service quality has a positive and significant effect on shopping interest, (4) word of mouth has a positive and significant effect on shopping interest. The researchers hope is that Lazada e-commerce should innovate on the Lazada application and website, change the menu appearance, and increase the intensity of promotions.
E-Trust, E-Service Quality, Word of Mouth and Shopping Interest
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