Analysis of the Influence of Motivation and Work Environment
on Employee Performance and Job Satisfaction as Intervening
1Oyong Lisa, 2Djuni Farhan, 3Naisah
1,2Gajayana University Malang, Indonesia
3Gajayana University Malang students, Indonesia
Performance is the result of work achieved by employees in carrying out their duties in accordance with the responsibilities assigned to employees. The Bank uses various strategies, such as incentives and fostering a positive work environment, to improve employee performance. To improve performance, employees must be motivated. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of work motivation on employee job satisfaction, examine the effect of the work environment on job satisfaction, examine the effect of work motivation on employee performance, test the effect of the work environment on employee performance, test the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance, test the effect of work motivation on performance through employee job satisfaction, and examine the influence of the work environment on performance through job satisfaction. The sample used is 100 employees. Data analysis techniques using path analysis. Research findings show that motivation influences job satisfaction. Work environment affects job satisfaction. Motivation does not affect employee performance. Work environment affects employee performance. Job satisfaction affects employee performance. There is an influence of motivational variables on performance with satisfaction as an intervening variable. There is an influence of work environment variables on performance with satisfaction as an intervening variable.
Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance, Work Environment, Motivation
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