The Effect Organizational Based Self Esteem and Resilience to
Work Engagement: Case Study Indonesian E-Commerce
1Dian Riskarini, 2Yuli Ardianto, 3Lazarus Sinaga, 4Kukuh Deswari Pratikno
1,2,3,4Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Pancasila
In Indonesia's rapidly growing e-commerce sector, high employee turnover rates have presented significant challenges, with companies struggling to retain a competent workforce. This study investigates the role of organizational-based self-esteem (OBSE) and resilience in fostering work engagement in this sector. Our findings firmly indicate that higher OBSE levels deeply integrate employees into their roles, nurturing an environment where individuals feel valued and effectively engaged with their tasks. Moreover, resilience plays a critical role in enhancing work engagement, with resilient employees adeptly navigating challenges and positively contributing to the workplace atmosphere. In conclusion, nurturing OBSE and resilience is crucial for fostering a highly engaged workforce, promising a trajectory of success and prosperity for e-commerce enterprises in Indonesia
e-commerce sector in Indonesia, work engagement, organizational-based self-esteem (OBSE), resilience
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