Organic Foods in Thailand: The Study of Attitude, Perception,
and Purchasing Intention Among Generation-Z
Satish Kumar Awale
Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) – Ongoing, University of Thai Chambers of Commerce, Bangkok, Thailand
The COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to the growth in organic food consumption by 50%. In particular, the Generation-Z cohort have had recognized the importance and relevance of organic food consumption. Considering such, this study aimed to investigate the Thai Generation-Z consumers’ attitude, perception, and purchasing intention towards organic food. Generation-Z were the main target respondents for this paper, in particular – those from Thailand. The health-belief model was adopted by the researcher, with the independent variables comprising perceived risks, perceived benefits, and personal values, and the dependent variable being purchasing intention of organic food. It is presumed that the attitude towards organic food is the mediating variable between the independent and dependent variables. The research results were statistically analysed using the ANOVA regression. The analysis revealed that, perceived risks, perceived benefits, and personal values had a significant influence on attitude towards organic product, wherein, perceived risks and perceived benefits held a negative influence, with personal values holding a positive influence. Simultaneously, the attitude towards organic product was found to have no significant relationship with purchasing intention of organic food. These findings contribute to the understanding of marketers on promulgating the promotion for organic food.
Generation Z, Organic Food, Perception, Attitude, Purchase Intention
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