Marketing Strategy to Increase Sales of Liquid Biological Fertilizer
(Case Study on Tani Makmur Ii Liquid Biofertilizer, Pandanwangi
Village, Tempeh District, Lumajang Regency)
1Era Puspitasari, 2Hamidah Hendrarini, 3Sri Tjondro Winarno
1,2,3Master of Agribusiness Study Program Faculty of Agriculture, UPN Veterans East Java Jl. Rungkut Madya No. 1 Gunung Anyar, Gunung Anyar District, Kota Surabaya East Java, 60294
Fertilizer is one of the important components in the agricultural sector and has a very important role in increasing agricultural business in Indonesia. This is because farmers have realized the role of fertilizer in agricultural products. This research will be carried out in July 2023 by Gapoktan Tani Makmur II Pandanwangi Village, Tempeh District, Lumajang Regency. Site selection is carried out deliberately (purposive) with the consideration that the location is a producer of organic fertilizer in Lumajang Regency. The respondents of this study were key informants who were chosen because they were considered to know more about the problems studied based on their duties and responsibilities in the company and their relation to marketing activities in the Tani Makmur II Association, which was as many as 15 people. The analysis tools used are SWOT and QSPM. Based on the IFE value (3,664) and EFE value (2,774), the position of the Tani Makmur II association at the Matching Stage stage is in quadrant I, namely cell I and cell IV, this means that the Tani Makmur II Association is in the Growth and Build phases. In quadrant I, Gapoktan Tani Makmur II is advised to use an intensive strategy. Marketing strategy efforts in prosperous farmers II with alternative strategies are the ability to innovate, knowledge of fertilizer certification and institutional performance. The addition of this policy strategy is considered necessary which is prepared consisting of 3 levels with the peak level as the focus / goal consisting of optimizing resources, strengthening microeconomics, maintaining Pandanwangi Village as a fertilizer producer and improving institutional performance.
Biofertilizer, Strategy, SWOT, QSPM
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