Improving Employee Performance through Motivation and
Working Discipline at Pt Siantar Top Sidoarjo
1Mochamad Fatchurrohman, 2Purwanto
1,2Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Mahardhika, Surabaya, Indonesia
PT Siantar Top is one of the industries engaged in the food manufacturing sector. namely Snacks, with the brands French Fries 2000, Twistko, Tictic and Mister, Biscuit and Wafer Biscuit and Wafer – Goriorio, Gopotato, Go Malkist and Go, Noodle Snack Noodle – Soba and others. PT Siantar top has many skilled workers efficient. the company's vision and mission are able to gain many local and international consumers. Employee performance will increase if employees perform optimally. The purpose of this research is to understand the condition of employees in terms of motivation and work discipline at PT Siantar Top. The method used in this research is qualitative research with the aim of knowing the events experienced by the research subjects as a whole through verbal and linguistic descriptions, in the context of specific experiences, and using different scientific methods. at PT Siantar Top proves that the more motivated an employee is, the higher the level of motivation to eat, the higher the employee's ability to work. Work discipline has an important impact on improving the ability of employees, so the higher the work discipline, the higher the enthusiasm of employees in working.
Performance Improvement, Motivation, Work Discipline, PT Siantar Top
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