Analysis of the Influence of Service Quality and Perceived Risk
Based on Type of Consumer on Consumer Satisfaction and its
Impact on Repurchase Intentions of Kebomas NPK Fertilizer
After Centralization at PT Petrokimia Gresik
1Muhammad Chandra Budiman, 2Masmira Kurniawati
1,2Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlangga University
Optimization of all resources owned into an integrated whole, is the goal for cost efficiency in the company's operational processes. Centralization is an integration effort initiated to produce optimal shipping costs, one-stop integrated services, and better service speed than before. However, in a transformation it is necessary to measure and evaluate the progress of the transformation itself in order to make improvements that support centralization. This study aims to analyze the effect of Service Quality (X1) and Perceived Risk (X2) based on Consumer Type (Z) on Consumer Satisfaction (M) and their impact on Repurchase Intention (Y) of NPK Kebomas fertilizer after centralization at PT Petrokimia Gresik. This study used a survey method with 95 respondents randomly selected from NPK Kebomas fertilizer users. The results of the study show that Service Quality has a positive influence on Consumer Satisfaction in Repurchasing Intentions. Perceived Risk which is moderated by Consumer Type has a negative influence on Consumer Satisfaction in Repurchasing Intentions. Consumer Type have an influence on Perceived Risk. Distributors have a higher Perceived Risk than End Users. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that centralization has a good impact on the company, it's just that some suggestions for improvement are needed to accommodate the gap that originates from withdrawing responses from consumers in this study.
Centralization; Service quality; Perceived Risk; Consumer Type; Satisfaction Consumer; Repurchase Intention
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