The Influence of Workload and Compensation on Turnover
Intention of Hikmah Food Employees PT. Hikmah Sejahtera
1Thalita Alsa Dilla Putri, 2Ika Korika Swasti
1,2Department of Management, Faculty of Economy and Business, UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur
Turnover intention is a significant problem for companies because it will have a negative impact on company performance and stability. Some of the factors driving the increase in turnover intention are workload and compensation. This study aims to observe the effect of workload and compensation on turnover intention of Hikmah Food employees of PT Hikmah Sejahtera Surabaya with a sample of 48 production and service division employees determined through probability sampling method. A Likert scale of 1-5 was used to measure respondents' responses to statements in a research questionnaire distributed online. This study uses primary data obtained from employees and processed using Smart Partial Least Squares 4 software. The results showed that workload has a positive effect on turnover intention with work conditions as the strongest workload shaper. Compensation negatively affects turnover intention with the biggest compensation shaper, namely facilities.
Compensation, Turnover Intention, Workload
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