Analysis of Poverty Level and Income Inequality of Vegetable Farming Households in Ngadirejo Village, Pasuruan District
1Muhammad Hafidhul Wahyi, 2Endang Yektiningsih, 3Dita Atasa
1,2,3Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Indonesia
The high production of vegetable commodities in Ngadirejo Village, Tutur District, Pasuruan Regency is not comparable to the level of welfare of vegetable farming households. This study aims to identify the various sources of household income of vegetable farmers, analyze their income and its contribution to total income. The total sample of 85 farmer households was taken using the simple random sampling method with the assumption that vegetable farming households are homogeneous. To analyze the data used (1) quantitative descriptive (2) Sajogyo's poverty theory approach, and gini ratio analysis. The results showed that the sources of household income for vegetable farmers varied, from on-farm and non-farm activities. This income is classified as high which is indicated by the high percentage of achievement, namely 81.52% of total income. This amount is above the Regional Minimum Wage (UMR) of Pasuruan Regency. The poverty rate for vegetable farming households is in the moderate category, with a percentage of 76.5%. The level of income inequality based on the calculation results of the Gini Ratio is at a low level with a Gini ratio value of 0.18.
vegetable farmer household income, income distribution, gini ratio, poverty
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