Analysis of Levels of Job Satisfaction Based on Biographical
Characteristics: A Study on Service Sector Workers in Province of
1Nur Efendi, 2Jeni Wulandari, 3Suripto
1,2,3Departement of Business Administration, Universitas Lampung
Job satisfaction is a form of welfare that must be obtained by an individual in his work. There are many variables that affect the level of job satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in levels of job satisfaction based on biographical characteristics of service sector workers in Province of Lampung. The research sample was 196 people who were taken purposively by using a questionnaire in data collection. Data collection was carried out using the Google form application which was distributed to respondents through social media and other communication media. Data analysis was carried out quantitatively using descriptive statistics and Pearson's correlation. The results showed that biographical characteristics represented by age, length of work, gender, and marital status had a relationship with job satisfaction in service sector workers in Province of Lampung. Statistically, age has a negative, very weak and significant relationship with job satisfaction. Meanwhile, length of work has a negative, very weak, and insignificant relationship with job satisfaction. On average, the satisfaction level of male workers is higher than that of female workers. The average level of job satisfaction of workers with married status is higher than workers who are not married.
Job Satisfaction, Biographical Characteristics, Age, Gender, Length of Work, Marital Status
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