How Does Digital HRM Transform Training to Learning in Organizations?
Tran Thi Nhung
Vietnam National University, University of Economics and Business
Have you ever attended training sessions and learned nothing after that? It would be a nightmare for the organizations but this situation is not so rare in reality. Employee training and development play a vital role in the growth and success of every organization. As a result, they are putting more effort into ensuring its efficiency. Digital technology has assisted in the transformation of human resource management (HRM), enabling the use of more effective and efficient training techniques as well as changing the nature of training into learning. Accordingly, HRM technology empowers employees to take responsibility for their development, making them active learners. In this way, digital HRM has transformed employee training programs to more flexible and personalized learning journeys, with a greater emphasis on self-paced learning and feedback for long-term effectiveness. In this discussion, we explore how digital HRM has transformed training into employee-led continuous learning journeys that foster a culture of self-awareness, responsibility and effectiveness.
training, learning, digital HRM
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