The Influence of PAD (Local Original Revenue), DAK (Special
Allocation Fund), and DAU (General Allocation Fund) on Economic
Growth with Capital Expenditure as the Intervening Variable
1Vieza Saestika Falsa Adila, 2Sugeng Hadi Utomo
1,2Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang City, Indonesia
This research, developed using a quantitative research method, aims to determine the influence of PAD, DAU, and DAK on the economic growth in East Java from 2019 to 2021, with capital expenditure acting as the intervening variable. The Central Bureau of Statistics of East Java provided the fundamental documentation approach as the data collection technique. Ninety units of panel data were gathered to represent the research sample. Path analysis revealed that capital expenditure did not successfully mediate the impact of PAD, DAU, and DAK on economic growth.
PAD, DAU, DAK, Capital Expenditure, Economic Growth
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