Public Perception of Social and Economic Benefits in Bratang Flora
Park, Surabaya City
1Hendri Setianto, 2Teguh Soedarto, 3Indra Tjahaja Amir
1Student Magister Agribisnis UPN Veteran Jawa Timur
2,3Lecturer Agribisnis UPN Veteran Jawa Timur
This study aims to analyze public perceptions of the social and economic benefits of the Bratang Flora Park in Surabaya. This research was conducted in May – June 2022 at the Bratang Flora Park, Surabaya. Data obtained through field observations, interviews, questionnaires, and literature studies were then analyzed descriptively and qualitatively with the help of a Likert scale. The results showed that the public perception of the community's social and economic benefits was respectively 4.46 and 4.31, or very good. This is because Bratang flora park can be a public space for activities such as reading, discussing, and entertainment events. Meanwhile, from an economic standpoint, the existence of Flora Park can improve the surrounding community's economy with facilities for traders, most of whom come from the surrounding community. In addition, the surrounding community shows a good understanding by realizing the existence and function of green open spaces in Flora Park. These are essential to support the carrying capacity of the surrounding community's social and economic survival.
Community Perception, Green Open Space, Parks, Social, Economic
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