The Influence of Servant Leadership and Work Environment on
Employee Performance through Work Motivation as a Mediation
Variable at Pt. Kimia Farma Tbk
1Vynda Levy Cahyani, 2Ayi Ahadiat, 3Nova Mardiana
1,2,3Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Lampung, Indonesia
Good human resources are those who are able to manage an activity effectively and efficiently, to carry out an efficient activity with the role of a leader, serving leadership can be a benchmark for making employee performance better, in this study employee performance is influenced by serving leadership , work environment and work motivation, the research will be conducted using the SEM-PLS analysis tool, the research being carried out is a quantitative study with a sample size of 190 with a sideways purposive method. This study supports the hypothesis of the influence of servant leadership and the positive and significant work environment on employee performance, as well as the indirect effect between servant leadership and the work environment through work motivation as a mediating variable, namely obtaining positive and significant results. These results imply for agencies PT. KIMIA FARMA Tbk covers the provinces of Lampung and Jakarta. Showing that from the results that have been obtained, serving leadership and an increased work environment will increase employee performance, and serving leadership and an increased work environment will increase work motivation. Suggestions or low scores from statements that have been spread on leadership variables that serve with the lowest statements are leaders who prepare the organization for positive developments in the future, it is recommended for leaders to pay attention to the following, in the work environment variable with my workplace statement there is no smell an, it is recommended for the work environment to be more sterile and not have a lot of unclear smells, for the comfort of the workers, the employee performance variable with the statement I work comes and goes home on time, it can be suggested for employees to come and go home on time, on variable of work motivation with the statement where I work provides equal opportunities for all employees to work, so it is recommended for companies to provide opportunities for workers and pay better attention to the following.
Leadership To Serve, Work Environment, Employee Performance, Work Motivation
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