Digital Financial Literacy: Peer-To-Peer (P2P) Lending of
Microenterprise in Cibuntu Village
1Khalida Utami, 2Rafrini Amyulianthy, 3Tri Astuti, 4Azidan Primadana
1,2,3,4Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Pancasila, Indonesia
The society began to look for information about Fintech Peer-To-Peer (P2P) Lending or online loans that became known to the public after news emerged of the rampant illegal online loan entanglements. Online loans are attached to a negative stigma, on the other hand online loan platforms are needed by the community. In line with the government's goals, the purpose of Community Service (PKM) activities is to increase understanding, insight, digital financial knowledge regarding Fintech P2P Lending for MSME groups in the Cibuntu Bekasi, South Tangerang West Java Indonesia. The material provided includes the development of Fintech P2P Lending in Indonesia. Second, explaining the benefits and risks and how to choose an online loan platform that is registered and licensed at the Financial Services Authority (OJK). Third, provide an explanation of the consequences and legal protection for ordinary people so they don't worry when facing legal problems with illegal online loan companies. Fourth, the existence of the Investment Alert Task Force which was formed by the government in the context of preventing and handling allegations of unlawful acts by illegal online loan companies. The hope of this activity is that the community and MSME actors can choose legal online loan platforms and avoid illegal online loan entanglements.
Fintech, Online Loans, Digital Financial, Community Service
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