Analysis of Financial Behavior of Students at the National
Development University "Veteran" of East Java
1Shofiyah Salsabila, 2Ira Wikartika
1,2Study Program in Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, National Development University "Veteran" of East Java
The growing economic sector in the era of globalization demands peoples to be more intelligent and wise. Such intelligence and prudence can influence human financial behavior. The study was conducted to examine the influence of parental income, emotional intelligence, and financial literacy on the financial behavior of students at the National Development University "Veteran" of East Java. The population in this study consists of students by the FEB at the National Development University "Veteran" of East Java. The study method utilized is quantitative in nature, utilizing primary data. The sample collection method utilized probability sampling with random sampling technique that was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents. The data analysis technique utilized was Partial Least Square (PLS), involving validity tests, reliability tests, and hypothesis testing. The study results indicate that emotional intelligence and financial literacy contribute to financial behavior. However, parental income does not contribute to the variable of financial behavior.
Emotional Intelligence, Financial Literacy, Financial Behavior, Parental Income
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