The Influence of Marketing Mix on Purchasing Decision of NPK Phonska Plus Non-Subsidized Fertilizer in Project Agrosolution PT Petrokimia Gresik
1Grace Anggita Purba, 2Hery Pudjoprastyono
1,2Department of Management, Faculty of Economy and Business, UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur
Sales are the most important aspect for the sustainability of a company. The thing that must be done to increase sales is to increase consumer purchasing decisions. Purchasing decisions generally depend on aspects of the marketing mix provided by the company. This research aims to assess how 4P marketing mix, which consists of products, prices, place, and promotions, influences costumer purchasing decision of NPK Phonska Plus Non-Subsidized fertilizers in Project Agrosolution PT Petrokimia Gresik. The research is based on quantitative research that uses saturated sampling technique. This research’s population and sample consisted of all main distributors who had used and purchased NPK Phonska Plus Non-Subsidized fertilizer through Project Agrosolution PT Petrokimia Gresik with with 44 respondents in total. The analysis in this research used the Smart-PLS test tool. Based on the result of the research, product, price, place, and promotion are partially influence the purchasing decision of NPK Phonska Plus Non -Subsidized in a positive and significant way.
Marketing Mix, Purchasing Decision, NPK, Non-Subsidized Fertilizer
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