The Impact of Customer Journey and Trust on Purchasing Decisions for Quality Furniture in the Digital Era: A Serial Mediation Analysis
1Muhammad Riksha Raditya, 2Sorayanti Utami, 3Syafruddin Chan
1,2,3Magister Management Study Program, Faculty Economic and Business, Universitas Syiah Kuala
This study examines the factors influencing low purchasing decisions for furniture products in the digital era, specifically focusing on Web Atmospheric Cues, Customer Journey, Customer Trust, Product Quality, and Social Media Marketing. The research population consists of online furniture consumers in Banda Aceh, with a sample size of 155 individuals determined through indicator multiplication. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using IBM SPSS-AMOS software version 22 is employed for data analysis. The findings reveal that customer trust plays a significant role in Purchase Intention, with the highest coefficient of influence (0.296), followed by Product Quality (0.283) and Web Atmosphere Cues (0.256). Conversely, the impact of social media marketing on purchase intention is relatively lower (0.152). Notably, customer trust acts as a critical moderating variable in the relationship between product quality, web atmospheric cues, social media marketing, and purchase intention. These findings emphasize the importance of businesses prioritizing customer trust through exceptional customer service, transparent practices, and reliable product information.
Purchasing Decisions, Web Atmospheric Cues, Customer Journey, Customer Trust. Product Quality and Social Media Marketing.
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