Improving Indonesia's Trade Balance with the United States: Factors Affecting Bilateral Trade
1Ade Famalika, 2Tri Agriana Sari, 3Dheo Rimbano, 4A. Ghany Firmansyah, 5Bambang Hadi Purnomo
1,2,3,4,5Universitas Bina Insan Kota Lubuklinggau, Indonesia
This research is based on a systematic review approach that differs from reflects the findings in that it is transparent, accessible, and enables a union between the scientific community and practitioners, resulting in an overall synthesis. According to the research findings based on the systematic analysis, the factors influencing Indonesia to engage in bilateral trade with the United States to improve the trade balance fall into two categories: those related to international trade and those unrelated to international trade. Globalization of bilateral commerce, open markets, disparities in natural and human resources, and disparities in natural resources are aspects of bilateral trade. Meanwhile, variables unrelated to bilateral trade include bilateral agreements, trade performance, trade potential, trade balance, and trade relations. As a legal basis for providing legal certainty in commercial cooperation relationships, the Republic of Indonesia and other nations must enter into bilateral agreements.
Bilateral Trade, Trade Balance, and Economic Cooperation
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