Sustainable Islamic Selling Price with Reference to Ibn Taimiyah’s Thoughts
1Tias Rahmi Fauziyah, 2Iwan Triyuwono, 3Lilik Purwanti
1,2,3Akuntansi, Universitas Brawijaya
This research aims to formulate the concept of determining the selling price by referring to the thoughts of Ibn Taimiyah. In order to understand the reality more comprehensively, the research is conducted using a postmodern paradigm. The research data is obtained from primary and secondary sources. The primary data sources include interviews and observations, while the secondary data sources consist of textual data from Ibn Taimiyah's thoughts. This research produces the concept of Sustainable Islamic Selling Price, which synergizes Ibn Taimiyah's theoretical concepts with empirical findings. In its entirety, Sustainable Islamic Selling Price is a theoretical concept used in determining the selling price based on the principles of Tauhid and the application of Islamic spiritual values (halal, fair, amanah, ta’awun, muru’ah, and qana’ah) thus bringing about material, moral, and spiritual well-being. The concept of Sustainable Islamic Selling Price serves as a symbol that triggers spiritual awareness among academics, practitioners, and regulators in realizing Islamic accounting practices.
Selling Price, Ibn Taimiyah, Well-being, Sustainable Islamic Selling Price.
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