Analysis of Factors Influencing the Community (Muzakki) To Pay Zakat through Baznas in Mataram City
1Muhamad Wahyudi Rabbi,2M. Irwan,3Ali Akbar Hidayat
Analysis of Factors Influencing Society (Muzakki) Paying Zakat Through Baznas in Mataram City. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors influencing Muzaki's decision to pay zakat through the National Amer Zakat Agency in Mataram City. This study uses a quantitative method. Sampling was conducted using a directed sampling method, with a maximum of 60 respondents. The data analysis technique used structural equation modeling-partial least squares (SEM-PLS) with the help of the program Smart-PLS. The results of the study showed that BAZNAS products/projects had no positive and significant impact on Muzaki's decision to perform zakat at the Mataram Baznas, while trust had a positive and significant impact on Muzaki's decision to perform zakat at the Mataram city Baznas, and transparency had a positive and significant impact on Muzaki's decision to perform zakat at the Mataram City Baznas. Then, the value obtained from the r-squared test is 0.671, which means that 67.1% of the variation in the dependent variable can be explained by the independent variable, while the rest is explained by other variables outside the research model.
Baznas product/program, trust, transparency, Muzakki decision
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