Your Business Network Depends on Your Business Analysis Ability
1Dila Silva Pranta Yudha, 2Chusnul Rofiah
1,2STIE PGRI Dewantara Jombang,
Indonesia is an agricultural country. The Central Bureau of Statistics recorded that the farming profession reached 9,749,093 people. Particularly in Tuban district, East Java, dominated by rice commodity farmers with a total of 134,263 people, followed by corn commodity farmers with 81,974 people. Thus, of course, it will create a distribution chain that supports the development of the rice and secondary crops distribution business. One of the many rice and secondary crops companies is UD. Plain Bajag . Distribution companies such as UD. Bajag Polos prioritizes large turnover and volume of goods. Because the number of margins is not large, efficient management is needed so that the company can continue to grow by conducting a SWOT analysis. The method used in this study uses qualitative research, a phenomenological approach with model methods Simple Research Design with triangulation theory . The research subject is the owner of UD. Bajag Polos, with a research locus in Temayang Village , Kerek District, Tuban Regency. In this study it was found, the method of UD. Bajag Polos to maintain the company so that it continues to grow, namely in a special way, such as providing capital loans to supplying farmers , buying all agricultural products without exception, having substitute products , embracing similar competitors and marketing both retail and wholesale on a large scale. By taking a family approach to supplier farmers and embracing competitors, it will generate business opportunities or strengths, coupled with substitute goods and widespread marketing, making UD. Bajag Polos survives and thrives.
Distribution, Management, SWOT, Rice and Palawija Business
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