Moderation of Sales Promotion: Should I Excited to Buy Online Fashion Products?
Ika Barokah Suryaningsih
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Jember, Indonesia
This study aims to analyze the influence of shopping lifestyle and hedonic shopping motivation on impulse buying with sales promotion as a moderation variable on Shopee Marketplace. This study focuses on purchasing fashion products on the Shopee marketplace. In this research, the population is all Shopee consumers in Indonesia. The sample used in this study amounts 160 respondents with a purposive sampling technique. The analytical method used in this research is the Structural Equation Model and Partial Least Square analysis (SEM-PLS) using Smart PLS3.0 software to analyze data. The result showed that shopping lifestyle has a significant effect on impulse buying of fashion products in the Shopee marketplace, hedonic shopping motivation has a significant effect on impulse buying on fashion products on the Shopee marketplace, sales promotion weakens the influence of shopping lifestyle on impulse buying on fashion product on the Shopee marketplace and sales promotion strengthens the influence of hedonic shopping motivation on impulse buying on fashion product on the Shopee marketplace.
Shopping Lifestyle, Hedonic Shopping Motivation, Sales Promotion, Impulse Buying, Online Fashion Product
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