The Role of Good Corporate Governance and Financial Conditions in Encouraging Dividend Policy in Indonesian and Malaysian Companies
Lailah Fujianti
Economics and Business Faculty of Pancasila University. Jakarta. Indonesia
This study aims to examine and determine the effect of Good Corporate Governance that is independent commissioners, boards of commissioners and profitability on dividend policy in manufacturing sector companies listed on the Malaysia Stock Exchange and Indonesia Stock Exchange during the 2019 period. The number of samples taken was 45 companies in Malaysia and 67 companies in Indonesia using quantitative methods with secondary data collection. The data obtained is taken from the results of the company's financial statements contained on the official website of Bursa Malaysia and IDX. The data analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis technique and analyzed by using an application to analyze data in the form of SPSS. The results of hypothesis testing in this study indicate that in companies in Malaysia, independent commissioners and profitability have a significant effect on dividend policy, while the board of commissioners has no significant effect on dividend policy, then in companies in Indonesia, independent commissioners have a significant effect on dividend policy. Dividend policy, while the board of commissioners and profitability have no significant effect on dividend policy.
Good Corporate Governance, Independent Commissioner, Board of Commissioners, Profitability, and Dividend Policy.
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