Management of Local Community-Based Tourism in West Sekotong Village – West Lombok Regency
1Lukman Hakim,2Vici Handalusia
1,2Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram, Mataram, Indonesia
The concept of CBT (community base tourism) in the management of a tourism object is a rational choice and answer to various weaknesses with the G + B (government and business world) approach. In CBT's view, management is also carried out by the local community/local community, so the pattern becomes G+B+C. This study aims to describe forms of tourism management by local communities, and their relationship with G+B. Besides that, the research seeks to explore the operationalization of one aspect of Sapta Pesona into programs/activities that have been carried out by the local community. The research location is in West Sekotong Village, West Lombok Regency, with key informants as respondents. The survey was also conducted on domestic tourists to get their opinion in the form of an assessment of the implementation of the Cleanliness Program, and as feedback (feed back) on the CBT management model. Full data analysis using qualitative data. The participation of the private sector. Important indicators in the CBT model are decision-making costs (DMC) and financing of the use of local human resources (utilization of human resource cost, UHRC) in building community participation. Based on a survey of domestic tourists on the Cleaning Program (from Sapta Pesona) in Sekotong Barat Village, it was shown that in general they thought the program was 2839relatively good, with a score of 4.104 from the range 1 (=very bad) – 5 (=very good).
Community base tourism (CBT), decision-making cost (DMC), utilization of human resource cost (UHRC) , Sapta Pesona, assessment score.
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