Research on Factors Affecting the Compliance with the Law on Social Insurance of Non-State Enterprises in the Provinces and Cities of the Red River Delta in Vietnam
1Thi Xuan Huong Le,2Nguyen Zen Nguyen,3Thi Huong Tram Le,4Thi Thu Ha Bui
1,2,4Faculty of Insurance, University of Labour and Social Affairs
3Faculty of Accountancy, University of Labour and Social Affairs
In this study, the authors proposed a model to study the influencing factors and determine the level and direction of the factors affecting compliance with the law on social insurance of non-state enterprises in Vietnam. The research model is tested with a survey data set of research subjects in Hanoi and the provinces of the Red River Delta, Vietnam. Research results have confirmed the positive impact and level of impact of five factors affecting the compliance with the law on social insurance of non- state enterprises, arranged in order of decreasing importance as follows: the possibility of being inspected and examined by social insurance, corporate reputation, corporate finance, penalties for violations of social insurance and social influence. Based on the research results, the authors have proposed several solutions to improve the level of compliance with the law on social insurance of non-state enterprises.
influencing factors, legal compliance, social insurance, non-state enterprises.
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