The Influence of Information Technology and Human Resource Competency on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as Intervening Variables in Middle Tax Service Office of Karawang
1Supriyanto,2Harry Indratjahyo,3Munawaroh
1,2,3University of Krisnadwipayana Jakarta
This research aims to 1). know and analyze the effect of the use of information technology and human resource competence on job satisfaction, 2) know and analyze the effect of the use of information technology and human resource competence on employee performance, 3) know and analyze the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance and 4) know and analyze how much influence the use of information technology and human resource competencies have on employee performance with job satisfaction as an intervening variable. This research was conducted at Middle Tax Service Office Karawang, with a total sample of 116 employees. Data analysis using path analysis. The results of the study found 1) there is an effect of the use of information technology and human resource competence on job satisfaction, 2) there is no effect of the use of information technology and human resource competence on employee performance, 3) there is an effect of job satisfaction on employee performance and 4) job satisfaction does not affect the use of information technology and human resource competence on employee performance. Thus job satisfaction is not an intervening variable.
Information Technology, HR Competence, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance
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