Analysis of the Welfare Level of Fishermen in Mulyorejo Sub- District, Surabaya City
1Istiqomah Fauziah,2Teguh Soedarto,3Hamidah Hendrarini
1,2,3Master of Agribusiness Study Program Faculty of Agriculture, UPN Veterans East Java Jl. Rungkut Madya No. 1 Gunung Anyar, Gunung Anyar District, Kota Surabaya East Java, 60294
Fishing communities are generally residents in coastal areas with socioeconomic conditions that have low or below- average incomes so they are synonymous with poverty This information is very useful and useful to determine the next steps in order to improve the welfare of fishing communities. Based on the research, the objectives achieved in the study are to analyze income, exchange rates, fishermen, and fishing businesses seen from food and non-food expenditures, and efforts to improve the welfare of fishing communities in Mulyorejo District, Surabaya City. The research location in Mulyorejo District, Surabaya City that Mulyorejo District, Surabaya City is one of the settlements for fishermen who have great potential in the field of fisheries in Surabaya, but every year it always decreases due to uncertain income. In this study, the number of samples determined will be examined as many as 41 samples in accordance with the number to be determined. Data analysis method using income analysis and exchange rate analysis of farmers. Results of the study average income for the upper layer classification is IDR 26,550,000 per year, the average income for the middle layer classification is IDR 17,275,000 per year and the average income for the lower layer classification is IDR 7,109,167 per year in the fishing business of fishing communities in Mulyorejo District, Surabaya City. The exchange rate of the sample fishermen in the study area was 65 or less than 100.
Fishermen's Welfare, Fishermen's Exchange Rate, Fishermen's Income
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