Impact and Viability of Gastronomic Ventures in Manzanillo, México: Situational Analysis in the Post Covid-19 Era
1Dr. Heriberto Pérez Romero,2Mtro. Christian Wright Martinez,3Mtro. Sergio Sanmiguel Celis,4Mtro. Ronald Cruz García
1,2,3,4Universidad Tecnológica de Manzanillo
1 ,2
One of the alternatives that are available to people in a situation of economic crisis are gastronomic ventures. The
economic environment plays a fundamental role for the success of this type of company, so it is necessary to identify and develop
instruments that empower the entrepreneur to achieve their organizational objectives in order to be present in an increasingly
competitive market.
The gastronomic sector in Mexico has been beaten over the last two years by different factors; public health (pandemic
restrictions), violence (curfews in some regions) and economic (inflation and shortages). However, this sector represented -until
2019- 2% of the national GDP, so it was important to know the economic impact in the post covid-19 era in this sector of the
In times of economic turbulence, crises behave like a kind of "sweeper" that wipes out companies and businesses that lack
organizational strength to face the ravages of a phenomenon of this type such as lack of liquidity, low sales and rising prices.
Prices. For this reason, this research focuses on studying the ventures in the gastronomic sector, the impact suffered by covid-19,
the scarcity and the rise in prices of inputs derived from war conflicts and political situations in the world environment that affect
the macroeconomic indicators of the country and region.
The study will focus on companies in the gastronomic sector of the municipality of Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico. Where inflation
was identified as the main problem that lacerates restaurant businessmen with 88.7% of the cases studied. Finally, the instruments
used to cope with the crisis experienced are detailed, the main strategies for the improvement and reactivation of sales were
identified, as well as the red flags to attend to a possible resurgence of economic stagnation in the short term.
Inflation, Gastronomic Enterprises, CANIRAC, Manzanillo,
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