The Economic Development of Tourism-Based Community in Tahura, Berastagi, Karo Regency
1R. Sabrina,2Emilda Sulasmi
1,2Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara
The aim of this study is to develop the potential of the Berastagi sub-district through Tahura in improving the local community's economy. It used the method of literature study. The results from various literatures explained that the development of the economy tourism in Berastagi-Tahura must have good planning include the attraction of tourist rides, the construction of facilities for lodging, restaurants, and shops to sell souvenirs in effective and efficient, as well as planning tourism promotion programs. In addition, it must be supported by collaboration between the government, private sector and community. The proposed economic development model is Tourism Economic Development that is supported by stakeholders and marketing channels.
Tourism, Berastagi Tahura, Tourist Attraction, Economic Improvement
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