How Competence, Training, and Career Development Affect the Achievement of Airfield Adisutjipto Jogjakarta Members
1Rizky Ardhyadie,2Mokhamad Natsir,3Mohammad Choldum Sina Setyadi
1,2,3Faculty of Economics and Human Resource Management, Universitas Merdeka Malang
The competence efforts of air force members require the proper processing of human resources, so that the desired competencies can be achieved in accordance with expectations. Factors that will affect the competence of members include training, career development and work performance. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of competence, training, career development and work achievements of Airfield Adisutjipto Jogjakarta. The type of research used is an explanatory type of research. The research population is 60 members of Airfield Adisutjipto who will be respondents to the study. The analysis method uses multiple line regression and hypothesis testing. The results of this study found evidence that: 1. there is an influence of competence, training and simultaneous career development on the achievements of members in Airfield Adisutjipto Jogjakarta 2. There is a partial influence of competence, training and career development on the achievements of members at Airfield Adisutjipto Jogjakarta, 3. There is a dominant influence of career development on the achievements of members in Airfield Adisutjipto Jogjakarta.
Human Resoure, Competence, Trining, Career development, Work Achievement
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