The Contribution of Farmer Women in the Household Income of Rice Farmers in Desa Patapan Kecamatan Torjun Kabupaten Sampang
1Azzahra Fima Auliya,2Teguh Soedarto,3Taufik Setyadi
1,2,3Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, UPN “Veteran”Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Peasant women's resources are one of the great potentials in contributing labor to production activities. Farmer women play an important role in farming activities to increase rice production. In the process of rice farming, rice fields always involve women, therefore women are considered very important. Women are able to divide their time even behind their busy lives as housewives. The importance of this study is to analyze the contribution of peasant women to rice farming families, factors that influence the magnitude of these contributions and the level of welfare of rice farming families in Patapan Village. This research was conducted in Patapan Village, Torjun District, Sampang Regency. The respondents in this study were all peasant women who had families and owned their own cultivated rice fields and worked as farmers totaling 30 people. The first objective is analyzed using the scale of land tenure. The second objective was analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The third objective was analyzed using a household expenditure approach using the sajogyo criterion. The results showed that the income of rice farming women to family income of 41.71% means that the contribution of peasant women is dominant and quite significant. The second objective of the results of multiple linear regression analysis was obtained that partially the income of farm women (Y) influenced by variables X1, X2, X3, X4 and X5 had a real or significant influence on the income of women farmworkers (Y) by 78.4% and the remaining 21.6% was influenced by other variables that were not studied. The degree of welfare ofthe farmer's family is obtained from the calculation of per capita expenditure of 486.8 kg equivalent to rice / year, meaning that the farmer's household life is sufficient.
Family Income, Farmer Women, Rice Farm Households, Contribution, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
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