The Influence of the Marketing Mix on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty of Adizaya Hydroponic, Kediri City, East Java
1Bima Yuanto Pratama,2Sri Widayanti,3Prasmita Dian Wijayati
1,2,3Agribussines Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, UPN ‘Veteran’ Jawa Timur, Indonesia
More than 38 hydroponic farmer groups with a total of 50,000 planting points spread across various areas of Kediri which has caused business competition to increase. Recognizing an increase in sales of lettuce along with the competitor's growth, Adizaya Hydroponics has prospects for continuing to grow, so the sales must be increased in efforts to develop it. One of the ways to increase sales is to encourage consumers to make repeat purchases. Customers who make repeat purchases are one of the characteristics of loyal customers. In general, loyal customers are customers who are satisfied with the products they buy. This study aims to identify the marketing mix, customer satisfaction, and loyalty at Adizaya Hidroponik, and to analyze the influence of the 7p marketing mix on customer satisfaction and loyalty to hydroponic vegetables at Adizaya Hidroponik. The method of determining the sample using accidental sampling with total of 62 respondents. The first and second objectives were analyzed using descriptive analysis, while the third objective was analyzed using SEM-PLS. The results showed that the people and process variables affected customer satisfaction. Product, price, people, process, promotion, and customer satisfaction variables have a significant effect on customer loyalty. The customer satisfaction variable mediates the relationship between people and process variables on customer loyalty
Customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, hydroponics, marketing mix
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