Determinants Impacting Brand Equity: The Case of Agricultural Product in the Mekong Delta (Vietnam)
Ngo Giang Thy
Nguyen Tat Thanh University
To measure the perception of farmers engaged in the production of agricultural products mainly crops, the study conducted a survey of 210 farmers producing fruit trees, food crops, vegetables and flowers in the field located in the Mekong River. This study is to assess the behavior of farmers towards evaluating the brand equity of fertilizer products. This is a product commonly used by farmers for agricultural production. This result is confirmed based on the quantitative method of EFA, which shows that brand equity of fertilizer is dominated by related components ranked from high to low including: brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand awareness, and brand association. The research results are also a meaningful reference in practice, because fertilizer manufacturers need to know what to do to improve the brand equity of fertilizer products for agricultural production.
brand equity, loyalty, agricultural sector, fertilizer product
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