Analysis of Market Structure and Behavior for the Resilience of Msmes Agro-Food Industry in Malang City
1Tri Winarni2Sri Tjondro Winarno,3Indra Tjahaja Amir
1,2,3Master of Agribusiness Study Program Faculty of Agriculture, UPN Veterans East Java
Common and chronic problems of Indonesian MSMEs, including food agro-industry MSMEs, are limited capital, entrepreneur or labor skills, product appearance and quality, and access to product sales and/or marketing management. Based on the empirical problems of MSMEs, the potential of agro-industry and markets, as well as the importance of MSMEs for the community's economy, it is necessary to conduct research on "Analysis of Structure and Behavior for the Resilience of Food Agroindustry MSMEs in Malang City". Of the 30 Food Agroindustry MSMEs that have the appropriate criteria as respondents, there are only 16 people who are willing to take the time to be involved in this research, so these 16 respondents will be used as respondents to the Food Agroindustry MSMEs in Malang City. Data analysis methods used Structure, Share, and market behavior. From the results of the Structure Analysis study, Behavior in the Food Agroindustry MSME Market in Malang City, it can be concluded that the market structure is analyzed by the number of producers and consumers, the presence of products traded, market concentration radio 0.0664 which indicates including monopolistic competition markets, the highest market share of fruit chip producers by 27 percent, the Minimum Efficiency Scale value of 25 percent which indicates there are barriers to market entry. Market behavior can be analyzed by product strategy, innovation, and research by MSMEs Food Agriindustry Malang City, product differentiation through price, quality, and marketing techniques.
Market Structure, Market Share, Market Perilkau, MSMEs
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