The Role of Online Customer Review, Brand Image, and Brand Trust on Purchase Decision of Sunscreen Product at Murni Cosmetic Store
1A A Istri Krisna Gangga Dewi,2Ni Putu Ayu Tika Kurniawati,3A A Ngurah Mayun Narindra
1,2,3Faculty of Economic and Business, Warmadewa University, Bali
The focus of marketing initiatives is on purchase decisions, which are affected by two elements, attitude and situational factor when buyers finally determine their decision to buy a product. Reviews or comments from previous customers based on their experiences frequently impact a consumer's decision to buy a product. Additionally, their decision to purchase a product is greatly influenced by their level of brand trust. This study examines how consumers can make decisions about what products to buy based on a number of variables that are identified as potential influencing factors. This study adopted the Quantitative method. The subject of this study were all of the customers of the Murrni Cosmetics store with the criteria of having purchased or currently using sunscreen products. The empirical study was based on 50 respondents with multiple linear regression as the technique of data analysis. The result of this study shows a positive and significant effect between online customers, brand image, and brand trust on purchase decision of sunscreen at the murni cosmetics store.
Brand Image, Online Customer Reviews, Brand Trust, Purchase Decision
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