The Effect of Halal and Price Labels on MSME Culinary Products: An Experimental Study of the Purchase Decision of the Pandahalungan Community
1Dewi Ayu Puspita,2Sudarno,3Inas Ummaimah Junaidi
1,2,3University of Jember
This study aims to analyze the effect of halal prices and labels on consumer purchasing decisions in the Pandahalungan community. The research method used in this study is to use laboratory exper imental methods. The experimental design used was a 2x2 between subject design, with the factorial studied being the halal label and product price. The participants in this study were consumers of MSME products in the culinary sector in the horseshoe area with a Pandalungan cultural background. The results of the study show that the price label has a main effect on consumers' decisions to buy culinary products from MSME in the Pandalungan community. In contrast, the halal label has no significant effect on consumer purchasing decisions. However, if both are tested simultaneously, it turns out that there is an interaction effect.
Experiment, Halal Label, Price Label, MSME, Pandhalungan
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