Development of a Corporate-Based Corn Seed Area in Jatirogo District, Tuban Regency
1Ayu Marganing Budi,2Indra Tjahaja Amir,3Hamidah Hendrarini
1,2,3Master of Agribusiness Study Program Faculty of Agriculture, UPN Veterans East Java
One form of assessment that can be done is a periodic evaluation which can be a warning if programs and activities run outside the plan and become input for further improvement. After the assessment, it is also necessary to determine the priority of the strategy for developing corn seed areas to continue with better achievements. Based on the situation and conditions described, there needs to be research to make decisions for farmers in working on their farms. Therefore, researchers want to research related to the development of corn seed areas in Jatirogo District, Tuban Regency, East Java. The determination of farmer samples was carried out purposively by taking 3 farmer groups, namely the chairman, secretary, and treasurer so that the number of samples from all farmer groups was 60 people and 10 key informants. The data analysis methods used are the CIPP Evaluation Model and Process Hierarchy Analysis (AHP). The results of this research are in the development of a pilot program for the development of corporate-based corn seed areas in the future are the welfare factors of corn farmers, production factors related to the business of corporate-based seed corn cultivation, and ease of access factors that support the business of corporate-based corn seeds or corn farmer farming.
Development, Area Based Corporation, AHP, CIPP Evaluation Model
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