Social Responsibility Pt. Bank Ntb Sariah East Lombok Branch Viewed from Islamic Business Ethics
1Hendri Yuda Sakti,2Muhammad Irwan,3Moh. Huzaini
1,2,3Faculty of Economics and Business, Mataram University, Indonesia
Distribution has always been a hot topic of discussion in Islamic economics because the discussion of this distribution is related to not only economic aspects but also social and political aspects. Hence, it attracts the attention of Islamic and conventional economic thinkers. This research aims to analyze the form of social responsibility of PT. Bank NTB Syariah East Lombok Branch is in accordance with the concept of Islamic distribution. The approach used in this study is qualitative, namely a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of speech or writing and behaviour that can be observed. The informants in this study were employees and the community involved in the Corporate Social Responsibility program. They collected data using interviews and documentation—data analysis through data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing and verification. The research results show the form of PT's social responsibility. Bank NTB Syariah, East Lombok Branch, follows the concept of Islamic distribution, including programs for educating the people and programs for sympathy. Funds for the East Lombok Branch of Bank NTB Syariah's CSR program are sourced from company profits, ZIS (zakat, infaq, Sadako) and benevolent funds (fines and non-halal income). The funds were collected by the East Lombok Branch of Bank NTB Syariah and managed by Laznas.
Corporate Social Responsibility, Distribution, Islamic Business Ethics
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