Profitability Analysis of Vannamei Shrimp (Litopanaeus Vannamei) Cultivation Business in Tarpaulin Ponds in Jangka District, Bireuen Regency
1Adhiana,2Rita Ariani,3Novi Kurnia
1,2,3Malikussaleh University Agribusiness Study Program, Lhokseumawe, Aceh
The fisheries sector is a sector that plays a very important role in the economy of the community in Bireuen District, Aceh Province because it has great potential for the development of fishery areas. One of the businesses that is developing in the fisheries sector is the pond business, and Bireuen Regency is one of the regions that has consistently developed pond cultivation businesses, especially vannamei shrimp. However, there is a problem in developing vanamei shrimp, namely the price of feed is relatively high compared to the selling price, therefore it is necessary to analyze the profitability of the vanamei shrimp farming business. This study aims to determine the level of profitability obtained by vannamei shrimp farming in tarpaulin ponds in Jangka District, Bireuen Regency. Test result the profitability of the vannamei shrimp business in the Term District of Bireuen Regency to farmers who use tarpaulin ponds who are members of the Wahana Biru business group is that the percentagethe profits obtained by farmers are very profitable with a profitability percentage of 50.36% following the reference bank interest rate of 12%.
Profitability, vannamei, pond cultivation
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